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Have a Look at What We're Up To

PROJECT 1: Lockdown Necessity

With the Golf courses in my state locked down for the foreseeable future it was a must to have a net to continue to practice and refine my golf swing........armed with and plan in my head, some basic materials, and lots of enthusiasm, I set to work on fabricating a golf practice net.

Project 2: me

Depending on your perspective and mentality you can use a lockdown to lament, and sit in front of your TV stuffing yourself with ice cream and chocolates, or use it to your advantage. I chose the latter.

I’d been wanting to do an extended juice fast for quite some time. Not for weight loss or the like, nor for pursuing some spiritual goal, but I kept letting life get in the way and finding excuses not to set up and commence.

Stay tuned. I’m building something valuable. Something that will be of great benefit to everyone tat comes along. Be patient and stay tuned.