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Frequently Asked Questions

I want to give you great value for the time you invest  exploring this website. I also want to help your golf game as much as I can. And I can do that if you got to the contacts section of this website and ask me anything and everything you would like to know about me, what I do, and how I can help you shave shots off of your game.

Absolutely , is the short answer.

The science and the research is in. There is no doubt that any limitation in your body that limits optimal function in your kinematic chain will significantly hinder a solid repeatable and fluid golf swing.

Your kinemeatic chain is the sequence of movements through 5 mobile and 5 stable body segments that produces a great golf swing – whether from the tee or the fairway.

That limitation could be range of movement, strength, balance and/or porprioception (knowing where your body is in 3-dimensional space without having to look).

And the research shows that a limitation in only one of those segments can have big effect. If you have restrictions in more than one segment you are trying to push water uphill if you think more practice, or coaching, or new equipment is going to improve your game.

The best way is to get your body assessed to find out where and in how many segments you are limited and get a customised plan to correct those. Your body and related golf swing mechanics need to be assessed as a whole functioning unit rather than individual sections.

But, I know you want to do somethig straight away. My years of experience has taught me that nearly everyone presents with a limitation in their glutes (the King of the Swing). Two things you should do improve those right away is 1/ An overhead free squat, and 2/ A seated figure-4 glute and SIJ stretch.

1/. Is just as it sounds. Keep your feet flat and shoulder width apart. Lift your arms stragiht up above you head and hold them there through the squat. As you break at the knees, stick your butt out so keep an arch in your low back through the movement, and squat as far as your knees, low back, hips, or balance will allow.

In an unrestricted squat your thigs should be able to get parallel to the ground, and you should be able to repeat 10 of these without difficulty. If you can’f for whatever eason, you need my help.

2/. Sit in a firm dased chair so that your hips and knees are at 90 degrees. Bring the ankle of one leg up onto the opposite thigh so that you are making a figure-4 with you leg. Any sharp pain in related joints then stop.

Place your elbow on the same side onto the inside of your htigh, just below the knee, and press down while also leaning forward. This should produce a strong deep muscle ache in your butt. Hold for 2 minutes. There is a video on how to do this here, on my face book page.