It's Time for You to

Shave shots off your game

At the end of the day that’s what it’s all about. Lowering your score. You want to get better – faster, further, straighter. How do you measure that improvement – the last number on your scorecard.

"Finally! A better way to help you to shave shots off your game and lower your score"

(And…. Without you having to buy new equipment, or swing aids, or get expensive coaching)


  • help you increase your power and control
  • help you hit the ball further and straighter than ever
  • eliminate your annoying slice
  • declare duck season on your snap hook
  • end your frustration and help keep your sanity
  • And ultimately shave shots off your game

Hello My Fellow Golfers,

If you want Drive the ball Further, Swing with Confidence and Consistency, and especially if you want to shave shots off your game without sacrificing any time at the range or on the course, then this is the most important webpage you’ll read all year!

Here’s why…

Because I can help you dramatically lower your golf score, keep it there, and to get you swinging better, faster, stronger and more consistently than you’ve ever imagined! I can get your smash factor off the Richter scale!

Be encouraged. I know with the current global situation things seem a bit dire. But every storm passes.

I’m also aware that golf courses are closing hand-over-fist around the world. But it’s only temporary.

It’s important to look for and focus on the positives. So, this time may be an opportunity for you to work on your golf game so that when you return to the course you will have shaved shots off your game.

“I took 5 shots off my game and broke 90 for the first time….and I’ve stayed under since”

John J, Melbourne

Brad’s program quickly sorted out what was affecting my game. After following Brad’s instructions, it didn’t take long to take 3 shots off of my game. That might not sound like much, but I’d struggled to break 85 for a very long time. Now I’m consistently in the low 80’s.

Before the program I would wildly vary from mid 80’s to mid 90’s. I haven’t been above 90 since I started and I’m swinging easily and with so much more power and confidence. I’m getting better distance and keeping it on the fairway. So, greens in regulation are way up too. It’s only a matter of time before I break 80. I’m very excited… Andy C, Narre Warren

Here's how and why I can make you this promise...

My name is Brad Smith. I’m the Golf Swing Mechanic. But I’m also an exercise physiologist that’s specialised in injury rehabilitation…and I’m golf obsessed.

It wasn’t until I was trying to demonstrate to an injured golfer client the movement he would need to be able to swing effectively again, that I realised I couldn’t do it. I was so tight, yet had no pain, and it wasn’t affecting me day to day. So I practiced what I preach and low and behold I took 5 shots plus off my own game….my light bulb moment!

If you’ve spent thousands on the best clubs, gloves and grips, every conceivable composition of ball, and any other gadget that might get you that extra bit of distance, and accuracy, all to ultimately lower your score, but without success…. then you need my help. 

Even if you haven’t spent that much, I’m going to help lower that last number on your scorecard and shave shots off your game. 

It’s all about power, distance, accuracy and consistency. But…

It’s not your clubs, it’s not your ball composition, it’s not your gloves, or grips, your understanding of how to swing, or even the advice your coach has given you. It’s You.

Well…It’s not you it’s your body. For 8 out of 10 golfers, it’s your body that’s stopping you from doing what you know you should with your swing.

Any limits your body has in the movements required to perform a solid golf swing will massively affect it i.e. you get reduced power, distance, accuracy and consistency.

You need all those to optimise tee to green, and lower your score.

With my experience and insight I can get you driving the ball straight down the middle of the fairway further than you’ve dreamed possible. 

Don’t put up with the frustration and anger of missing the fairway and having to conjure ridiculous recovery shots.   

Approach the green from the fairway every time with confidence from consistency. Don’t look at the final number on your scorecard and think about giving up.   I can get you playing like you know can deep down.  

Take a few minutes and do my mini assessment. Click on Take the Test and then the “Play” button and let’s see where I can take you.

Don’t miss out on an opportuinity to get to the root of your golf swing frustartions. Take the test, I’ll asses your responses, and then I’ll tell you how many shots I can shave off of your game.

right the ship

Even a few degrees of restriction in one segment (component) can massively affect your swing outcome and increase your frustration.

It’s like a ship that leaves harbour but is ‘only’ 1 degree off course. It doesn’t seem like much, but a thousand miles out to sea and they are nowhere near where they are supposed to be.

Combine the length of your arms with the length of your club and that one degree out of optimal position means your club head and face are way off where they should be at impact. That’s when the duck or snap hook appears, and more commonly a massive slice.  Most of us then begin to invent all sorts of compensation movements to try and counter these.

And that’s only one segment of your swing. You have 5 mobile body segments in your swing (And 5 stable ones too). If you have problems in more than one segment (and most do) then you’ll be even more ‘off course’.

Take a few minutes and do my initial assessment quick test and let’s see where I can take you.

But don’t miss out. I can only work with so many people per week. I have limited spaces available and they are filling fast.

Don’t just take my word for it,

The Research Doesn't lie

Click on Carousel Images  to Enlarge

Clearly, your body is the single biggest limiting factor in you shaving shots off your game. 8 out of 10 golfers can’t produce all the parts of a good sound swing because they have a limitation in their body. And that’s not really surprising. 

Think about it. You spend 8+ hours a day at a desk hunched over a computer; 8+ hours a day hunched over the tools on the worksite. Hunched over the baby’s change table, hunched a work-bench, a recipe, a vacuum cleaner… whatever…. you get the picture. 

Plus, you’ve been in car accidents, played contact sport, had surgery… is it any wonder your body has adapted to the needs of each situation so it can do what you need it to? Of course…but that adaption then affects your golf swing.

So, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What I Can offer...

  • I’ll get you to generate more club head speed, drop your club into ‘the slot’ and keep it there, hit your driver through and up on the ball while keeping your club face square at impact . Then you can watch the ball go sailing right down the middle of the fairway past your golfing buddies…every time…
  • I’ll help you be able to strike your irons with forward shaft lean to give you greater control and accuracy so…
  • You won’t have to manufacture miracle shots just to find your way back to the fairway you’re supposed to be on. Any misses will be because you’ve chosen that option with your course management skills…
  • And you’ll get from tee to green in regulation without any duffs or miss hits – no fatting or thinning the ball…. Your putting…..well, that’s up to you…
  • You won’t have to spend thousands on equipment, balls, grips, coaching and lessons that seem to have little impact on your game…
  • You’ll look at your scorecard at the end of the round and the last number on it will bring a satisfied smile to your face (and may well create a bit of envy with your friends)

Just Imagine.....

  • Think about how awesome it will feel standing on the tee after a seemingly effortless swing, watching your golf ball fly out of sight down the centre of the fairway, listening to the oohs and ahhs of your playing partners..
  • Imagine how it will feel when you caress that perfect shot from the fairway and hear the satisfying thud of your golf ball when it lands on the green…
  • It won’t take long till your golf buddies are clamouring to find out what you have done. Trying to find out the secret to your improvement.

So Here's The Bottom Line With ‘Shave Shots Off Your Game’

Let’s get the ball rolling. I’ve developed a starting quiz for you that will do an assessment of some of the key components of your golf swing chain. 

It’s completely free and only requires a few minutes of your time to run through a few movements and select the option that best suits you.

Just click on the play button below and follow the prompts and let’s shave shots off your game.

Assessments Done
0 +
Happy Clients
Body Faults Fixed
0 +
Total Shots Shaved

Free online assessment

Free online assessment

Question 1 of 3.


The first assessment is for shoulders. Reach one hand over your shoulder and one hand behind your back and try to touch your hands together like in the pictures below. How close can you get your hands together? Select the image that best matches what you can do.  Select the image that best matches what you can do.

A long way off
Getting closer
Just touching
Touching easily
Question 2 of 3.


Lay flat on your back. Draw your knees up, feet flat on the ground. Make a bridge by pushing your hips toward the ceiling. Shift weight to one foot and straighten the other leg so it’s in line with your body. Hold for 10 seconds without any movement. No shakiness at all. Test both sides. How long can you hold for without moving or dropping your hips? How long can you hold the position for without moving or dropping you hips?

1. 0-3 seconds
2. 4-6 seconds
3. 7-9 seconds
4. 10 seconds or more
Question 3 of 3.


For the last assessment you will need a standard wallet size card to measure your distance from the wall.

When you have measured the distance with the cards. Stand arms length from wall. Brace with your hands. Move one foot so your big toe is approximately 3 credit card widths from the wall. Lunge that knee toward the wall trying to touch it. You must not lift your heel from the floor. Keep moving your foot closer to the wall until you can touch it with your knee. Complete the assessment on both sides.

On your worst side, how close to the wall did your foot have to get before you could touch the wall with your knee?

3 cards
2 cards
1 card
0 cards/I couldn't do it at all

Next question 1 of 3

All 3 questions completed!

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